Originally Posted by pelathais
"Spirit of greed...?" The whole thing started with government mandating that lenders lend to problematic borrowers. Then those loans were sold and resold and the residuals were calculated and bought and sold until there was this $55 TRILLION industry of debt residuals that had grown up from $0 - all of it based upon shaky loans.
That's ignorant. Again it proves how little you really know about the situation. For the most part ARMS don't qualify to meet the CRA requirements in most states. However, the banks still issued them like they were candy above and beyond anything the CRA ever required. Why? Because industry deregulation allowed the banks to do so.
The problem was when government stepped into the market place dictating that lenders had to lend even when their numbers said "DON'T!" And then government said, "Hey, trust me about this guy... I'll back you up." That's when suddenly MY money was used to back up shaky and predatory lending practices.
You need to go back and educate yourself. The banks had a hey day because the regulations that would have prevented were removed.
There was and is "greed" involved. It's the greed known as Socialism. It's the SPIRIT of GREED that causes Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to covet my paycheck as a source of political favors that will lead to more campaign contributions for them.
Bro...greed isn't just a left or right issue. You need to drop your party worship and catch what I'm trying to tell you.... else you prove to be part of the reason why this is happening to our country. The Democrats and the Republicans are the problem. Anyone offering undying loyalty to one party over the other is part of the problem. We need a generation that is willing to stand up to both the right and left hands of corruption. You're demonstrating MY POINT so beautifully...we call the left hand of corruption on corrupt policies and practices...but we ignore and justify the actions of the right hand.