Originally Posted by Aquila
I had to address this.
Yes you did.
Originally Posted by Aquila
It's true and sounds very good on the surface but there's a devil in the details. When cutting taxes programs and grants are cut or dissolved. These vehicles used to help those in need at that point are limited in scope or no longer existent. Then as the tax cuts generate revenue for the treasury the question becomes what do we do with this revenue?
The "cuts" you describe are being made either by statute in a spending authorization bill from within a department if the managers and directors are given latitude with a program. Therefore, the "blame" for such cuts (if any) belongs to those making the cuts. Don't blame those who are taking advantage of a tax rate cut and exposing more of their wealth to taxation and ultimately paying more tax dollars.
Originally Posted by Aquila
If one suggests increasing the funding to a previously cut program to feed the elderly they are decried as a socialist liberal. If they suggest creating an additional program that helps the elderly to replace one that was dissolved they are decried as a socialist liberal. So these monies stay in the hands of the "politicians". Then the "politicians" turn around and say, "We have a lot of money in the public's treasury. Let's give it back to the people!" They then launch tax rebate schemes that target their wealthy contributors, redistributing the public trust to the wealthy private interests. Leaving bridges in need of repairs and programs helping the poor and the needy barely surviving. Then some idealistic "Christian" comes around and says that it's the church's job to care for the poor and the needy. But 80% of their church's revenue goes to the massive building programs and the pastor's salary...normally less than 10% on average is spent on programs helping those in need...IF a church even has such a program.
Who called who a "socialist liberal?" Those names are called when tax rates are raised, not when they're being lowered as you are deescribing. And the "rebate schemes" are always weighted toward the poor end - in fact people who never even paid any taxes end up getting refunds and those evil rich people only get a fraction back of what they paid.
The game is designed and set up to redistribute massive amounts of wealth from "the rich" to the special interests of the Democratic Party. That's why we end up spending 100's of millions on "birth control" as part of a "stimulus plan." And Billions go to A.C.O.R.N. to reward them for their voter fraud efforts.
To say America is "heartless" and that Americans "exploit the poor is a lie. I paid over 20x's the amjount of charitable contributions than Joe Biden paid in the last 4 years. And, I'm helping to support 2 seperate food banks with that. No Aquila's buddy Joe thinks I need to "give" more to ensure that the special interests are well funded and Joe can get re-elected.
I say, "That's robbery and unjust." Aquila says, "Shut up and paid dear old Joe the money that he wants."