Re: Are You Prepared For a Rough Ride in 2009?
Originally Posted by Tina
I just had to throw in this comment.... I got back from picking up prescriptions for my hubby at Walmart, and while waiting on them to be filled-- I found Kraft Mac & cheese for 50 cents a box. My 15 year old daughter wanted to just walk away from me when I put 20 boxes of it in my cart. She said, Mom, the cashier is gonna think that is all we can afford to buy to eat.
I said after the cost of those prescriptions, she might be right. (I was joking, but my daughter didn't appreciate the humor)
I am always reminded (and still surprised) when I am in situations where daughters in the 11-16yr range, are so susceptible to embarrassment with anything the involves parent and public!
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]