Originally Posted by martha
...I am not endorsing the site on which these audio tapes are posted because I know nothing about Bishop Walker whose church sponsors this site. But THE TAPES BY BISHOP JOHNSON ARE ALLLL GOOD. And Bishop Walker KNOWS THEY'RE ALL GOOD. That's why he posts them on his web site. THE NAME OF BISHOP JOHNSON STILL DRAWS A CROWD. I WONDER WHY?
Did you ever think of contacting this Bishop Walker's church, to see what kind of believers they were - since they seem to have enough love and respect for Bishop Johson's teachings?
Dont you need fellowship?
You also said that there was no one preaching the 'truth' from the time of the bible until Bishop became a preacher. How do you know this?
You said no one was teaching the oness of the Godhead until Bishop Johnson.
I am so sorry to tell you that teaching has been around since the first church.
I can go down a whole line of Christians throughout Christianity that preached that Jesus is God and that there is only one God.
The truth did not jump from John the Apostle until Bishop Johson NOR did it jump from John the Apostle until Azusa Street (alot of people think that).