Originally Posted by Aquila
True. But we also run the risk of neglecting the biblical narrative and it’s details to facilitate scientific findings, which do change as additional data is collected. Science is a rather shakey foundation upon which to base one's salvation.
Are you saying belief in a literal global flood is a requirement for salvation?
Someone's perception of reality is realy the only thing that they have to base their salvation upon. That's why we "preach" the Gospel - to persuade them to accept our version of events. If you are saying that you base your salvation upon the "global bath" theory that you have posited - a hypothesis that you admit has no evidencee to support it - then what's the difference between your theology and the Moonies? Or the Mormons? All of you guys are saying, "Let's just pretend..."
Sorry. I accept the message of the Bible because it makes sense to me and stands up to objective scrutiny. Now, over time I have had to abandon a lot of religious traditions that it turns out were never based upon anything the Bible was talking about any how. That was somebody else's loss and my gain. I gained more truth.
Originally Posted by Aquila
I can see the logic behind the local flood theory and I can grasp the concept of its theological and apologetic appeal. But when discussing the flood issues of creation arise since most of modern Creationism is built upon theories regarding the flood and its geological effects. We’ve touched on the creation account in Genesis and my personal belief that our billions of years old universe might have indeed been created in six literal days by God’s divine fiat. I'm curious about Adam & Eve. What are your views regarding Adam & Eve? Are we to interpret the story of Adam & Eve literally or is this a case of “anointed myth” or parable? Did Adam evolve? Did God create Adam supernaturally? What’s your take?
I am not trying to sell a "local flood." I merely said earlier that local floods are a global phenomenon. For all I know there was no literal "Noah's Flood" at all. But I am rather certain that there have been many thousands of local floods, many with very devastating local effects.
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