Originally Posted by rgcraig
So this is just basically what they "wished" they could do. I've yet to see that many single men needing to share a space with someone. If they did....there's a reason.
There is a glass ceiling on wages but even the single men wish to share space with someone to share in expenses. You and I both know that just because you aren't married doesn't mean we don't have the same if not more expenses than a man in the same position.
We do know that most intact families have dual wage earners...single families only have one with the same expenses. The majority of the single population is poverty level, and single parented by women. Which means women with children have more expenses and less income than men in similar situations.
I know of two men right now who wish they had a female roommate to help them with cooking and cleaning and are searching for any ole' woman to marry to take care of them. Since women can take care of themselves pretty much...they have the opportunity to be more choosey with dating and even re-marriage. Many prefer to stay as Paul for very good reason!
Blessings, Rhoni