Originally Posted by scotty
You said it exactly how it should always be said PO .. good for you.. and the rest of you women who still have influence over others, teach this lesson of PO's well. I often hear the phrase "when we got married"... you see, even in the animal kingdom, the male must "win" the female.. by song, mating calls, manuvers, fighting ; there is even a male bird that has to build a nest and then females come by and will stay if the home passes their inspection. The woman should marry the man because the man has proved himself worthy of her.
Actually Bro. I have tons of experience cooking and cleaning.
BTW, gonna be in Pine Bluff next week, Thurs - Sat.
I dont know if you know this but this kind of knowledge and way of thinking is very foreign to many. If you lived closer to CA I would have you come and share your thoughts (which are excellent) with the recovery house.
I on a regular basis talk about proper female and male relationships with them.
No one has ever told them it's not right for a woman to chase a man etc.
Anyway-they love when I share information about what to look for in a man etc.