you dont build roads out of a recession. You stimulate business and businesses get us out of recessions.
BINGO..............This is not a stimulus for private business, this is a stimulus for GOVERNMENT.
If you think more government is the answer you should be thrilled at this package.
If you think gov't is the answer as Obama said, you should be ecstatic about this bill.
If you think stimulating private business is the answer as I do, this is a sad, sad day.
I didn't agree with George Bush's fiscal policies. Obama's promise of change was to reverse those spending policies. It was pure garbage. Even if Obama is a one termer,
I believe the damage he will do in 4 years will be everlasting.
I hope I'm wrong.
Then I'm asking what your plan for stimulating "private" business is?
If you say tax cuts, I say you're wrong in this situation because even though a business has extra cash on hand from a tax break doesn't mean that business would invest it into new jobs or more production in this state of economic upheavel and crisis.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine