Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
If you don't like it, you can find another church to attend and to serve in.
Don't you think the Pastor has the right to make rules and boundaries for the folks that help him lead the church in the direction of the vision that God has allowed the Pastor to have?
No, I dont feel that the church belongs to the pastor. I believe the church is as much the saints, as it is the pastor's, and they can stay. And where pastors are not voted in, yet bloodlined in, and they call all the shots concerning outward personal convictions, teach them as doctorines and require them to be in ministry, then I agree that one unfortunately cannot serve via the way its set up. But is it N.T. biblical that way?
No i don't think that he ALONE has the right to make his OWN rules for the church, if they are unbiblical, and based on HIS OWN conviction or opinion. Furthermore, I believe that "church vision" should come from more than just one man, w/ his personal vision. Him even receiving 1/10th of the churches personal income, all because he is the "man of God" for that local assembly. How much of all this comes from the N.T.? "Obey them that have the rule over you...". Many teach that "trinity" isn't in the bible, but the word "pastor" (singular) is not in the N.T. either , and only 1 time in the plural. Yet its hanging on the sign in front of nearly all of church buildings, with the word reverend in front of it.
I'm for doing things the bible way, submitting to flock overseers per scripture, and letting the Holyghost lead us in personal convictions not spoken of in the bible. A little more Elders and Deacons, a little less one man in control, per N.T. that I've read anyway..
I do realize that a lot rides on unity of the brethren and of the "faith". No beards because others in the fellowship preach against it. I see the point, but don't really agree with it.