Someone sent me a topic on another unnamed forum. The question is what church is there among us (UPCI) that is having revival with the following characteristics:
Cut Hair
Women Wearing Pants
People going to Movies
and the other separation issues.
I am not currently UPC though I am a 5 generational UPCIer, graduated from a UPC Bible College, served on the staff of the largest UPC church and still have extensive connections to it. So I don't know if I exactly qualify in answering the question in the topic. But I think I can say that I believe I qualify as one experiencing revival in our church, without having our church focus on those outward marks of traditional holiness that has always been associated with the "Doctrine".
In less than one year's time, we have more than doubled in attendance, I have personally baptized over 25 people in Jesus name in the last 6 months, seen many of them receive the spirit, teach/taught the 3 step experience of
Acts 2:38 as being the normative experience for Christian intiation.
Our attendance goal of 125 will be most likely met by Easter.
So in answer to the that topic, I represent a church that is experiencing NT revival in every since of the word.
Anyone from the UPCI care to argue that I am not experiencing revival?