Re: What are you reading currently?
Right now I'm reading a book titled "The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the Nazarenes Today." It was published by FGBMFI in 1973. It is part of a series of books (no longer in print as far as I know) with titles like:
The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the Church of Christ Today
The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the Baptists Today
The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the Presbyterians Today
The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the Episcopalians Today
The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the Lutherans Today
The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the United Methodists Today
The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the Roman Catholics Today
The only one in the series that I have is the one about Nazarenes.
Chapter one is about a man named Wilbur Jackson who was a pastor of a Nazarene church and received the Holy Ghost Baptism. He received the left foot of disfellowship by his superiors in that denomination when they found out that the pastor of the Lockland (suburb of Cincinnati) Church of the Nazarene was speaking with tongues. He became pretty active in the Charismatic renewal movement in this part of the country and is now pastor of a Church (just a few miles from where I live) called Faith Fellowship.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship