What's your weather? Did you get hit?
Justin is at college in Southern Ohio, right on the Ohio River. The have an alert system letting us know when they shut the campus down for any reason. They told us when we signed up for it that it had been about 5 years or more since they had closed the campus for anything weather related. They want all the parents to sign up for this alert thing just in case they ever need to shut down for a shooting incident or something.
So today, so far, we've received FOUR phone calls from SSU. At 6:15 a.m. they were closing classes until noon because of the weather. At 11:00 they were closing all afternoon classes, but leaving the University offices open. At 12:00, all offices are now closing for the day. And at 9:00 pm tonight, they have already closed down everything for tomorrow.
Justin told me that they have about a foot of snow, plus tons of ice on top of that.
So what's the weather like where you are?
We're getting 4-6" tonight according to the weatherman here in NWOhio. We'll see. It's coming down, but it's a fine, light snow. Usually that means more snow than if it came down with big flakes. oh joy!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !