Help Me Help My Uncle
I've been caring for my 75-year old uncle now for about 6 months. He has a semi-mild case of Parkinsons disease. He also has a manageable case of prostate cancer (more pills). He also drinks heavily. BUT NOW, over the past month, he has developed some serious dementia.
In the beginning, I felt SURE the Lord wanted me here to help my uncle, to witness to my uncle... but day by day, he becomes more unruly and more unmanageable. He has bursts of ANGER and although I pray, and come up against spirits in his home, I feel helpless.
My grandmother (his mother) was a mighty woman of God... so I know my uncle has roots in the Lord ... but the more the days go by, the less and less he understands. I feel like I'm running out of time with him.
I am at my wits end and would love to hear any advice and would particularly welcome your prayers!
Thanks in advance!