Originally Posted by Margies3
Rhoni, that's what this has been all about?
Listen, I know you are not going to like what I am going to say to you, but surely you are old enough and have enough experience in life to not let things like this blow you out of the water so far. Yes, what he said was wrong. I totally agree with you on that. But consider this. Your friend who you were living with will find out eventually exactly what this guy is. A skunk is a skunk, whether he has on silk pajamas or not. She'll see that. And when she does, she is going to need YOU to be her friend.
The gracious way for you to handle this is for you to calmly point out to her that your years of experience has taught you that this man is way over-board. Let her know that you are sharing that with her because you care about her, not because you want to tear him down. Then if you still need to leave, then leave. But leave on a friendly basis. As adults you can say to your friend that while you don't agree with her bowing to that pastor, it is still her decision. And that if and when the day comes that she decides not to, you will be there for her.
MAYBE God placed you in this woman's home just because He knows that down the road, He will need you to be His arms and feet to this lady. But He won't be able to use you for HIS purposes if you have burned your bridges by throwing a temper fit now.
Sometimes we have to CHOOSE to be the bigger person in order to be in a position for God to be able to use us.
Maybe I'm all wrong on this, but from my outsider's point of view, this is what I'm seeing.
Good post, Margie. In all honestly I do question this statement that Rhoni made about the pastor:
When I refused to sign a document of affirmation to support, obey, and honor the Pastor without questioning.
I'd have to see the form. Not trying to offend, Rhoni, but just reading it seems a little skewed from her point of view.