Originally Posted by pelathais
You made an accusation against someone on a public forum. I came to their defense and challenged you to substantiate your rather odious accusation. You confess that you are unable to substantiate that charge yet you don't have the courtesy to withdraw the accusation. That's where it stands.
And calling Michelle Malkin a "racist" on a public forum where she would probably not be available to defend herself is not a low blow? I thought it was, so I spoke up.
I followed that and even accepted Google's drop down selection for the search words you indicated. I scanned through several of the results. The first result was an extreme Marxist site that was attacking her with the same innuendo as you did. I found no quote of anything Michelle Malkin said that even sounded racist (context or not).
No you do not. I agree. You can make any kind of charge against someone that you want and then just leave that charge out there. Anyone who questions you about that charge is probably being unreasonable because we should all just accept whatever accusation you want to hurl without comment. That's why the Internet was made.
I was simply "asking a question." I am free to ask a question aren't I? Just as you're free to slam people with innuendo and charges of racism. All that has happened here was that I stuck up for a girl who wasn't in the room to defend herself.
You felt the need to "defend" Malkin from my "odious" opinion that she's a racist? ...As if she needs you to defend her?
You're sticking up for a girl who wasnt in the room to defend herself?
Wow. Now that's almost funny.
(Adn this is "a girl' you're apparently not that familiar with in the first place, so
you have much less information to form an opinion with on this than I do!)
"challenge" me to
"substantiate" my "rather odious" accusation/opinion?
Are you kidding me?
Actually, you're probably not kidding, and that's what's so ridiculous.
I dont know who you think you are, but you really need to take a step back.
I'll say politely... back off, and get off my tail.
Furthermore, this is not a courtroom, so stop trying to play the role of prosecutor. Really, you're taking yourself much too seriously here.
Interestingly you claimed previously that I haven't "convinced" you that she's a racist. But...
1/ My intention was never to "convince you" of any such thing. Do you not get that? Somehow you seem to keep missing that simple fact.
2/ Who are you that I have to convince you of anything anyway? I'm waay more familiar with Malkin's writings and opinions than you are... going back years. But if I consider many of her writings and sentiments to be racist, then I dont have the right to express that on this forum? Or if I do, I have to convince you, or be hassled by you about my opinion? Please. get off it.
Indeed, it's a public forum, where people can state their opinions.
You asked my why I had the opinion I did, and I gave you my answer.
If that's not sufficient for you, well so be it.
If I said David Duke is a racist, would you hassle and "challenge" me about that too? Would that opinion be acceptable, or would that be an "odious accusation" also?
How about Rev. Jeremiah Wright? Could I call him a racist if I felt he is one, or is that also "odious" , and worth a "challenge" from you?
Where do you draw the line? In what cases would it be acceptable to you for someone to be described as racist, (only when you consider the person's reasons convincing enough?), ...and in what cases do you decide to get all in a lather over it?
What about Louis Farrakhan? Is that ok for someone to say they consider him racist? Or would they have to go find stuff to try to substantiate it for you?
Essentially you're giving me a hard time for my opinion because you disagree with it, or you find it "odious". Well, again, I'm entitled to my opinion. I havent slandered anyone, and if the admins feel my post was out out order, they're free to notify me. So far, I have heard nothing from them.
Youre the only one trying to make a federal case out of this.
Whatever, brother.
I had a feeling this conversation would go in this direction, that's why I actually had reservations about even letting the conversation get this far with you. I haven't forgotten a previous conversation in May '07 in which you were quite insufferably rude. I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt anyway, since some time had passed between then and now.
But now I see I should have just trusted my initial instincts.
With all due respect, brother, this conversation is done.
Have a good night.