Re: I shocked at the White remark in Lowery's pray
I have absolutely no dog in this fight. Actually, my Canadian "white" ancesters smuggled the black slaves accross the border.
But the "whites" started to do right long ago. 1969 they did right. The "whites" have been working to right the wrongs of thier ancesters for many years now.
There are still bigots yes... there are people here in my country who speak derogatively toward the Aboriginal (that's the PC term for Indian) people... but I wouldn't like it if an Aboriginal was voted in as our first Prime Minister and a fellow aboriginal made the "white do what's right" comment in his prayer.
The aboriginals were treated poorly in this country... the history is there and cannot be changed. Racism and bigotry will likely always have a head somewhere... you can't stamp out something like that completely. Sin is sin. Hate is hate.
But things have changed and are changing.
As I said before... I don't know this Reverend's motives. I prefer to think he was just trying to come up with a good rhyme and didn't think it through.
I still do not think it was a good thing to say. It only brought more strife back to the surface.
America just freely elected thier first African American President. It think the "whites" have spoken just as clearly as any other color has.
The past is past, the future is clear, and the "whites" are doing right.
(and Barb, you know I abosolutely love you and am in no way taking sides.. just giving my unbiased Canadian opinion)
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.