Originally Posted by Sam
People baptized using the name of Jesus and people baptized using the FS&HG words both have come out of the water rejoicing and speaking with tongues.
Don't you think that if a person says "in the name of the Lord," or "in Jesus Name" or "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost" that God knows what that name is?
Well, that 's all nice and dandy but in the end you really don't know do you Sam?!?!?! Would you not agree to stick to scripture as close as possible and point out error? Many people do many things in the name of the god they serve and it happens. Does it mean God approves of witchcraft or whatever? Speaking in tongues is not just a christian teaching. So your point? You might say well, the devil likes to counterfeit etc... Well and that could not apply to F,S,HG baptism? So in reality do we know? No! I brought this up and once and the person said "well they will have the fruit of the Spirit" My response! So do many in these other religions have very similar takes on life as well and live better than many so called Christians. At that, I know people who are not Christian and have better morals and values in there life than many Apostolics. In the end stick to truth cast off error and QUIT HARBORING IT!