Originally Posted by Aquila
I heard of another denominational pastor who had a service in a local bar on ladies night. He spoke on relationships and self respect to a section of the bar mostly filled with ladies who listened intently. The bar owner didn't expect so many ladies to take their drinks over to the section where the preacher was speaking but they filled the section, some standing. The preacher had a conversational tone and wasn't "preaching" in typical fashion, but he just spoke on relationships and respect, seasoning much of his message with various verses from the Bible. He also hit some points of humor where a lot of the ladies related and there was some laughter. There was actually quite a good reception from the attendees. Now... the local churches of course want him tared and feathered. lol
I don't see that as having church. I see that as having psychological talk on self esteem.
I look at it this way. When Jesus saved me, I crawled out of the pit. I refuse to go back into the pit to try to teach/preach. I will reach down into the pit and pull anyone up that wants out, but I won't wallow with them IN the pit. Big difference.