Originally Posted by Elizabeth
You know Neck, I really think this forum does not give life experiences justice.
We all have gone through what make us who we are, the pain sorrow rejection and victories--all those things are apart of what has influenced our decisions and actions.
How can that be properly conveyed and appreciated? This is of course a rhetorical question.
We have so many different people that come from so many different life experiences. The sad thing to me is, many do not take the time to try to appreciate where some is coming from or where they have been....because we are such a hurry to make our points that we over look what someone is trying to say.
I dont know if that makes sense.
But I appreciate you calm and steady way of explaining things and appreciate what you have gone through and what you share here.
Don't feel you have to explain to us, many of us get it.
Elizabeth, I agree... I think that if some of us met. We would share our experiences in a more positive way.
I think we would look to build on our foundations and learn from others.
I have family and friends in and out of many organizations.
All in the ministry.
We can talk and share and not be judgemental....
But then again we know each walk of life represented...
I agree with what you stated...