Re: Changing Denominations
I walked out of church approximately 30 years ago ( an independent-AMF-) because Of a lot of what I perceived then as plain ole interfering church ladies, and when my husband left because he said he could not live 'that way' meaning Apostolic, my then pastor told me that my place was with my husband. That didn't happen. Anyway, I could never forget about God, and it was only His love, mercy and compassion that I am in church today (UPC) I still don't fit the 'mold' and some people in church openly tell me that I am doing everything wrong since I trim my hair and wear a little make-up, but now I'm like a duck--I let the remarks roll off my back. My pastor has never been negative toward me in any way. He's the greatest! He has said from the pulpit that he is not our police but our pastor. All I can say is that it is between me and God now. I don't worry about what others think of me.
From some of your posts, I have sensed a lot of hurt and anguish. Who am I to judge you? I have never walked in your shoes but I understand. I only wish you the best in whatever decision you make. Just never let go of His hand.