Passing of Robert Dansby
This email message I received ...may be pertinent to those who have ties to JCM:
The following is from the Reginal and Frances Dees. It concerns Ron Dansby.
Greetings everyone,
Please pray for the Dansby family. Ron Dansby lost his father today. Robert Dansby, age 79, went home to be with the Lord at 6:30AM this morning. Ron is already in Panama City, Fl. (this is his home town where he grew up). Becky and their daughter and grand daughter will join Ron in Florida on tomorrow (please pray for their safety as they travel)....The Funeral will be held on this Saturday, Jan 10th.
Let's overwhelm them with lots of cards, and letters to let them know how much our heartfelt Love, Prayers, and Condolences....
You can mail your cards and letters to Ron & Becky Dansby & Family @ XXXXXXX ... (contact me via pm for the contact info)
Reginald & Frances Dees
We Are One Ministries