All about cellulite and the person
Thought this might be a good opportunity here in the beginning of a new year to talk about Cellulite. Yes maam, you KNOW what I'm talking about, especially the deep dimpled kind. I thought this might be a good place for all you ladies to express your frustrations, anger along with some helpful remedies for that condition. You also might want to quote some snide remarks from your spouses, what your retort was and how you intend to handle it the NEXT time he or anyone makes a comment about it...
For some of you macho calf-roping wranglers out in forum land that might not know what it is, here is the definition:
cel⋅lu⋅lite Spelled Pronunciation [sel-yuh-lahyt, -leet]
–noun (not in technical use) lumpy fat deposits, esp. in the thighs and buttocks.
1970–75; < F: formation of fatty deposits under the skin, orig., cellulitis, equiv. to cellule cell (see cellule ) + -ite -itis, taken in E as -ite 1
Ladies, here is your opportunity to let your hurts, angers, intentions, stories of past fights with spouses and your deepest feelings be known. Be assured ladies, I am here for you girls. I'm on your side.
Incidently, why do I feel like I might be the object of a great deal of is an creepy feeling that I cannot account for.