Casting out demons = salvation???
This may sound crazy but I just left a fast food restaurant after having met someone who has a website dealing with demons and busting them. I was interested in what he held as salvation. He believed all you had to do to be saved was believe. No repentance, no Holy Spirit, No Jesus Name etc. He then refused to discuss the bible scriptures concerning salvation and could not show me any. His main argument was that because he cast out devils that he must be saved. I took the chance of being knocked one when I told him I did not believe he was biblically saved. I had to. Here is a man who is going around from church to church and playing with a multitude of snakes. He was sitting down at our table telling us in the presence of our children that Christians have no protection against devils and that we all have some. Sorry but I disagree with that totally. Has anyone else encountered such a person? BTW he said that he was never able to minister to anyone like me who believed baptism in Jesus Name to be bible. He got mad and left the restaurant sadly. I did not mean to anger him but he sat there refusing to even look into the possibility that he may not have the truth. I felt all he did was focus on the devil hence the name d busters.etc.
any thoughts?