Originally Posted by MissBrattified
Okay, I agree with you. There are some deal-breakers. If I believed someone was being taught false doctrine*, I would tell them so. With no qualms or second thoughts. Further, if I thought they were truly being abused by their leadership or if the church were a cult* I would say so.
Abi's personal definitions for clarification of my point -
*false doctrine - any doctrine which would ultimately or immediately lead to disobedience to God, and the loss of their soul.
*cult - any group in which the leader is unaccountable to anyone but himself, and preaches false doctrine, abuses his authority and the people under his authority and shares dangerous concepts and doctrines.
I hesitate to even make these types of posts, because I think the labels of "abusive", "cult", and "false doctrine" are bandied about way to liberally and those who apply them without careful evaluation and analysis risk judging that which is godly as ungodly, and displeasing God as a result.
For the question in mind, I would like to bring it a little closer to home. Because you no doubt believe yourself to not attend a church that either teaches false doctrine or is a cult. I was referring to a church that you attended. I am not trying to pick on your pastor or your situation personally, but to just put out a hypothetical situation for debate and as food for thought as to what a person might do in this type of situation.