Originally Posted by Cindy
Hey, I was healed of anorexia, but still live with the consequences. But I know obese people struggle with shame, and all obesity is not caused solely by overeating. As much as by eating too much unhealthy foods.
You got that right! Unhealthy food is an enormous problem. Just look at the lables on the packages of the stuff we put down our throats.
Remember the story about the guy that "Supersized" at McDonalds for a month to prove the danger of fast food? Doctor told him if he kept eating that garbage he was going to die.
It's interesting you mention "shame". I've written a book called, "The Internet Addiction", dealing with online porn addiction. Porn addiction can begin with "shame". This trap leads people to believe nobody will understand. Nobody will have mercy. I've done something too terrible to forgive.
Shame is litterally conquoered by confession to someone we can trust to help us, not condemn us. If we continue to hide, shame will beat us down to nothing, leading to total catastrophy.
All of us need to confess. This will rid us of shame, renew our hope, and lead us to great strength in Him, because, He will forgive us.
Having a problem with eating is no different. Addictions are basically the same and overcome by the same tactics; Vigorous self control, support, good church, and a wholesome hobby(s) can lead one to total victory. (I do speak from experience here. I can talk about that later.)
Also remember, addictions have the same trigger point; STRESS. Stress seeks relief and we sometimes resort to "things" that are unhealthy, even deadly. Eating is one of those things that people do for relief.
Thanks for your feedback.