Re: *SHOCK* Rick Warren 2 give Invocation@Inaugera
Originally Posted by 2020Vision
Nothing wrong with being a hardcore liberal, with exception of some of its thought processes. The history of abortion is more telling of groups like Planned Parenthood's beginnings of how they sought out to kill poor people, minorities and mentaly disabled for the sake of eugenics. So because the rate you claim is lower under Clinton, you somehow put that all together to prove your point that laws against abortion help the abortion rate? Wow. Pretty absurd. Original though, if that's what you were going for. Actually scratch that, nothing original here. Recycled.
Your last quote: are you really serious? Did you know that shame isn't a bad thing?? Hard to believe in our world, huh? Shame is a good thing if it pushes us in the right direction and doesn't condemn us. Shame itself is a great thing. Just like when your hand hurts after touching a hot stove.
Great to have Michael Moore on the show though. Have a good day.