A little time with the search engine was quite revelatory.
I did a little search on Brother Indy's 70-odd posts, and read all of them.
Interestingly enough, over half of them were either direct responses to me or in conversations where I was involved.
It is obvious that some regular poster has created a username largely for the purpose of taking little snide pot shots at me.
By noting his obvious distaste for JP and by taking note of his ideological hot buttons, as well as a few other characteristic ways of turning a phrase that I recognize, I have pretty well figured out who our hero is.
I guess I ought to be flattered to have my own personal stalker on AFF.
I thought I only seemed to see him post when I was involved, but I didn't realize just how exclusive his posting was until I did a search. He has a few posts in threads I am not involved in, but most of them are to me.
If anyone doubts this, it is easy enough to confirm what I found.
While it really isn't any big deal to me, this poster really has something in his craw. It is obvious.
Bro, for your own peace of mind you need to move on.
I am not "after " you. I am not sure why you continue to stalk me like this...but it isn't healthy. In fact, it's a little weird.
Get some help.