Originally Posted by Rhoni
I think Pastors put themselves in the position to be the all knowing and only counsel. I think many times they think more highly of themselves than is their calling. They are not the voice of God but merely fallible men who are called to teach, preach, and exhort. Many times there is too much enmeshment of the Pastor/leadership into the private affairs of the church people. It is comparable to spiritual incest.
P.S. I do agree with your post. Thank you.
can be the voice of God though. But honestly when it comes to hearing from God they are not the only ones that do or can.
I don't think there is anything wrong with counselors working in the church, be it a professional one from where you come from or another person in the church with a lot of wisdom and experience. In fact I think it is better as the word says...there is safety.
I don't care for a lot of "designations" the psychology "industry" has made over the years as far as what is a mental illness etc etc and especially the over perscription of meds, but at the same time they are trained to listen and help and resolve conflicts. That's a good thing.