All they want is my money!!!!!!!
Yesterday was a HORRIBLE day!
I had a dentist appointment in the morning and what they were most concerned about was how they would get their money for the services performed.
After that I stopped in to get a Starbucks and the focal point of the our encounter was cash or charge.
After I was at the office a few hours I got a little hungry, but everywhere I went the only way I was going to get fed was if I paid them for the food.
My wife asked me to stop at Winco on the way home and pick up some items and they would not let me out of the store until I paid for the things I needed.
But praise the Lord, I was able to go to church that evening. I have found that it is the only place I go where they will let me eat, fellowship, get counseling, obtain direction for my life, and help me on my way to heaven for FREE. Imagine that. All they did was receive a voluntary offering and I didn't even have to participate.
It's amazing how there is no pressure to separate me from my dentist, Starbucks, the local fast food industry or Winco, but everyone makes a BIG deal out of the church receiving a free will offering. Hmmmm, maybe the devil don't want me to give?