I mentioned this on another thread (and you all get a peek into the type of television I watch, because I live with my parents...)- I LOVE THE DUGGARS!
I can't say enough about how I love the trust they place in GOD, the high standards they uphold and how many young apostolics would do well to follow their example in lifestyle (not necessarily in doctrine). They have a book coming out this month called 20 And Counting, and I am going to get it from CBD's website or Walmart if they have it.
Although I am still young I have thought a bit about GOD's will concerning HIS people, and them having children, and from my 4 years at Catholic school, and a semester or two were contraception and chastity was the main theme for the religion class I had to go to daily, I got an oppurtunity to appreciate the Catholic view on those things. People that look down on the Duggar's or other families for having many children sort of bother me, especially when we consider what we as westerners are up against with Muslims and the rate at which their reproducing. France will be a Muslim country within 50-100 years and Italy isn't far behind. When we had an exchange student from Spain she told me and my sister how she knew of NO families that she had friends in that had more than 3 children. Businesses in my assembly's town are shutting down, and I firmly believe its due to a lack of workers and consumers. I've got to wait 10 minutes in line at Walmart- WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE JUST HAVE BABIES

, no, I'm just kidding,

, lines at Walmart aren't enough cause to have tons of kids, and I was being a bit facetious, but the other examples I gave are valid, and perhaps Walmart is understaffed by few people being available to work there. It just seems like there's a lack of people- even in Boston and MA. MA has lost Congressmen due to people in MA (MA has a large Catholic population) not having enough kids, birth control and abortion being rampant, and most Catholic families here aren't having kids like they used to and are going back on their Church's teachings. It is disturbing to see people value things over children, and for people to even despise others who are having many children. It is too bad that more apostolics don't search this issue out and come out with a definitive word on this, but then again, apostolics can rarely get together for anything. What is a young couple supposed to do? What does the Bible suggest/command? What does the church teach? Eh, if I go on with this rant of the church not having a definitive statement, I'll start capitalizing the c in church and I'll start looking towards the Big Papa in Rome... ok that's enough of the ranting... I believe in One-God, no Catholic Church, but in having TONS of kids (for the married), ok, I'm good...
-Bro. Alex