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Old 11-29-2008, 11:11 PM
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Jermyn Davidson Jermyn Davidson is offline
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Re: Emergent Leader says "Gay is Biblical Lifestyl

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
So then, are temptations bondage? How do you view the saying of Christ taken from John 8:36 " If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed". Jesus said this after he he also said "whosover commiteth sin is the servant of sin". Hyperbole or not, if Christ makes one free, he/she is free indeed. To be a servant of Christ makes you free of the bondage of sin period; although no one is free from temptations, we have the power to overcome those temptations through Christ because we are His servants. To be a servant of sin takes a certain commitment away from the power of Christ and it denies the strength of the cross. This is why I do not beleive that once a homo, always a homo.

Why should a conversation evolve, when the fundamentals of salvation is really elementary?
Getting away from the homos,

Are you trying to suggest that you have no sin?

Are you saying that now that you have the Holy Ghost, you don't sin any more? Never?

11 Chronicles 7:14 implies that God's people have evil ways. However, they are still God's people. Applying that scripture's context to a saved Gentile, it would not take away from the power of Christ to have a Christian still sin.

If it was impossible for a Christian to sin, then we would not need an Advocate. God gave us One though, right?

If I sin against my brother, am I still committing a sin against God?
If yes, what's the Biblical response for the offended brother?
What then, can we infer would be God's response?

So for every Christian who has ever been addicted to, oh say, pornography-- while they were addicted, were they not saved? If so, when did they lose their salvation? When did they get saved again? Were they ever saved in the first place?

Or is it now that they have fallen, God simply throws them away because they are not fit for the Kingdom of Heaven?

If God's Grace is strong enough to save a sinner, why would it not be strong enough to keep a Christian in the throws of an addiction?

This is why we're saved by Grace and not by works.

Our righteousness is as filthy rags, even on our best days. But we are not to continue in sin as if nothing is wrong, so "grace may abound."

Sin will always be sin, wrong is wrong and there is no forgiveness for any sin except through Jesus Christ.

But to say that a Holy Ghost filled person who falls into a sinful pattern or addiction is now no longer saved is not Biblical.

By the way, the discussion has already evolved from it's original topic!

However, all of this is connected.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
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