Originally Posted by Digging4Truth
I had a Commodore 64 with STACKS of disks with all kinds of games & programs. Did anybody have the clipper thingy that would cut the notch on the other side of the 5-1/4" disk so you could use both sides?
WHen I first started using the C64 it had a cassette tape drive.
My first modem was a screaming fast 2400 baud (not on the C64... that was on my first PC)
I used to get on BBS's and telnet out to the internet from there. We played Legends Of The Red Dragon on BBS's until they kept adding modules and the game got too risque. Then we bailed on it.
Oh yeah... tons of fun.
I never had the clipper. I just used a scissors.
I used cassettes for my first computer, the TI 99/4a. Texas Instruments made it WAY too expensive to actually add a disk drive to the thing. You had to buy a huge expansion unit, the disk drive itself, the cable (yes, it was a separate purchase!), and a special disk manager cartridge to even access it -the OS was locked down with NO "poke" command to access the hardware directly.
Oh yes, and you better buy the 32K memory expansion, or all of the above used too much of the TI's 16k to be of any use anymore.