Re: What do you HAVE to believe to be saved?
Jesus said, "Go Ye into ALL the world and preach the Gospel, he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved."
Of course, few people are preaching "the Gospel of Jesus Christ", because they don't even know what it is.
What is "the Gospel of Jesus Christ"? "The Gospel of Jesus Christ" is the finished work of Jesus' birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension, where He offered His blood on the mercy seat in Heaven.
What did He do for me by His finished work? He bore away ALL of my sins forever, He bore away ALL my sickness forever, and He bore away All my poverty forever.
When this is preached, as the "Gospel of Jesus Christ", it will save the sinner, heal the sick, and prosper those who believe it.
If you are struggling with sin, it is because of what you believe about "the Gospel of Jesus Christ".
If you are struggling with sickness, it is because of what you believe about "the Gospel of Jesus Christ".
If you are struggling with poverty, it is because of what you believe about "the Gospel of Jesus Christ".