Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen
Ok, this question is somewhat pertinent to me, as in a few years I hope to start an assembly in NH.
We were discussing this last night at the pastor's dinner table, and my point was;
"No one will get baptized in the assembly in NH who's a trinitarian. Before they go into the water, they will have to believe (even if they may not be able to fully understand) that JESUS is the One True GOD."
My brother's thought was;
"Someone who trusts in the blood of JESUS to save them from their sins, and wants to obey the Scripture and be baptized in the name of JESUS Christ, can be baptized, even if they claim to be a trinitarian."
My brothers's train of logic was that many who claim trinitarianism are not true trinitarians.
Anyways, I didn't want to put either view in a bad light, but those were the two dissenting views.
Another question raised was, "What about someone who is in a church that baptizes in a 'sloppy' manner [ie. for one they say, "In JESUS' name" for another they say, "F, S, HG" and for another they say, "Into Christ" and another they say "F, S and HG, in JESUS name!"]" Does the one who just had the titles get lost, while the one with the name gets saved, even though they have no understanding and are a trinitarian? And the response from one brother was, "Well the one that got JESUS' name is like they won the lottery- they get saved!" I was shocked, to say the least, I was so shocked I was stuttering!
What say ye brethren and sisters?
-Bro. Alex
Brother Alex,
i want to be careful with this and I hope the way it comes accross is in keeping with the spirit of humbleness and honesty in which I mean it.
Far too often christians fall into a trap of trying to clean folk up before we baptize them. I dont think Christ meant it to be like that. Baptism is what does the cleaning.
My advice to you would be find lost folk. Preach JESUS. When they find conviction, show them the path of repentance and baptize anyone who wants it!
Paul said that Grace is a TEACHER. The Teacher will bring these people to a proper understanding.