Very LONG week
Hi everyone.
This week has been long. I had taken off Wed, Thurs, and Fri this week to work on the dinner for the homeless our church did today. We did not reach our 200 mark but we did not have much food left over either. Thank God.
On Wed night the Police were in our neighborhood trying to find a guy. They were being a bit loud and were at our neighbors becuase they had been told he might be there. Thursday night they were back. I was not home, my wife had gone to work, only the boys were there. Got a phone call telling me to come home right away the police had evacuated them out of the house. GREAT. So as it turns out the guy that they tought was at our neigbors the night before was supposed to be back and had a gun. They finally got into the house to search for him and he was not there and we got to go home. By this time is was already close to midnight and it had all started at about 9pm. Then last night I got home EARLY from the church and working on the dinner and got to see my wife for a few minutes and went to bed. WHAM! 12:30 the police were back. Helicopters, cars, dogs, police every where. They did not evacuate us but I had that to deal with until about 4AM. I was up and back at the church this morning by 6:30AM.
It was a great dinner. We have a women who was visiting with us who was not homeless but has been experiencing some problems. She heard our choir singing and I thought she was going to have herself a Holy Ghost hoe-down. She loved it and wants to come visit our regular services. We have a family that has been coming and visiting on and off after our dinner last year and they were there again, now this lady. If nothing else they are getting a meal, being prayed for and with, and hearing about the love of God.
I pray this lady does come and visit our services. She seemed like a really sweet lady.
We had a minister of a little work down the road from us get involved and he brought folks to help out. Then we had an evangelist from over in NM come and help as well as observe to see what we were doing.
Over all, tired or not, I really had a great time today. GOD is good. I love him and enjoyed being able to share what I could with the people.
God Bless you all
I know it is early but I certainly hope and pray you all have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Life is .............
I'll get back to you when I figure it out.