What A Mess!
Okay, let's say for arguments sake that the New World Order & the coming of the Lord is a way off in the distance & we are stuck here to "eke" out an existence until Jesus returns, We are still in a mess!!!!
Talk on the talk radio is about the big three Auto Makers & thier struggle to keep out of Chapter 11!
Speculation now is that Congress & the Canadian Parliament will let them go into Chapter 11, restructure, & then look for somebody to come along and get it at a fire sale cost, & buyers will relocate those plants overseas.
What does that mean?
1. 2-3 million direct & indirect jobs will be gone.
2. Pensions (including benefits which are some of the best in North America) will be gone!
3. Who will be able to afford cars if we all work at 7-11?
We are in serious times where I believe we will pray for the coming of the Lord!