Originally Posted by Theresa
why is the priest standing up for what he beleives so strange? And insisting his members repent for openly going against the church teachings?
This is no stranger than a minister sitting down someone off the platform who violates the church beliefs and refuses to make them right.
I say good for him for standing up for what he believes
Whatever happened to the concept,
"Whosoever will, let them come?"
Doesn't this Priests stand cross the line of respect for the individual parishoners?
Doesn't even the law prohibit Pastors and such from endorsing one candidate over the other? Wouldn't that by default apply to political party lines?
He is taking a manmade institution (politics) and incorparating religion into it, going as far as to attach the very salvation of the souls men to a man made institution.
Does anyone have a problem with that? Why or why not?