Originally Posted by TRFrance
If she's a little bitter, frankly, I can understand. Why should she go quietly into the night when McCain's people are bashing her like a piñata?
McCain has been disgraceful for letting her twist in the wind for a whole week now while his aides and close associates savage her in the media, with their leaks and off-the record interviews. I've lost a lot of respect for him these past few days.
When someone savages your reputation, the way McCain's associates have been doing to her, it shouldn't surprise anyone that Palin would come out swinging. If McCain is showing no interest in coming to her defense in even the slightest way, she has to take matters into her own hands.
So you approve of her taking the low road like she did, calling them 'immature jerks' before she even knew who it was that said it? I dunno, that's something my sixth grader would do. She should have thought about what she was going to say before she said it and come up with a more elegant response, imo. If she wants to be President she needs to act Presidential.
She's speaking at the Republican Govenor's meeting this week. We'll she how she does. But, you only get one chance to make a good first impression...just ask Dan Quayle. Seems to me that she ought to be a Senator for awhile and then run again when she's more seasoned and knows how to play the game.
Hey, I'm willing to give her another chance. But I'm with the 60% of those polled nationally that think she's unqualified at this point to be VP or POTUS.