Originally Posted by Praxeas
Can you detail this collusion with the most powerful of corporate America that Bush was doing?
It's debatable as to how well collusion can be proven. But the Administration has looked the other way on so much while corporate America has fleeced the American people it's not funny. Also, consider the no bid contracts in Iraq for companies like Haliburton and others that this Administration has deep business connections with.
I know liberals drink the Democrat's coolaide. But it's equally disheartening when conservatives drink the Republican coolaide. This administration is a mixed bag of military success and corporate greed and corruption. That is...if one counts preemptively invading another country that wasn't a direct threat to the United States on trumped up charges of WMDs. I think history will be especially harsh on Bush here. It will be seen as a strong example of the dangers of such a military strategy.
Just my opinion.