What Does This Election Say About America?
Many pundits are saying that the US is moving left of center on the political landscape. I think they are wrong!
I believe America is still right of center but moving slightly towards the center.
Obama won this campaign because of a perfect political storm:
1. Americans tired of war
2. The economic free fall
3. Unpopular president of the opposing party
4. Unenergized Republican ticket
5. Biased media
If the Obama administration makes the mistake of instituting liberal policies assuming America is left of center, they will be voted out of office in the next election in a landslide.
I sincerely hope that Obama doesn't lean too much to the liberal extremists that supported him and gave him credence when his campaign was at the grass roots level.
A wrong economic policy can lead us from a recession to a depression.
A wrong domestic policy can lead us from a great country to one on the road to decay.
A wrong foreign policy could make us weaker and open to attack from our enemies.
America needs to pray that Obama has wisdom to make good decisions, without regard to extremists on both the liberal and conservative camps.
Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.