Re: Post Election Thoughts
Most conservatives do not bother to count the horrifying pain and suffering inflicted by the US military upon Arabs and Afghanistan’s and other non-white Americans. They simply don’t care (at all), because their Jesus told them to go forth and conquer the world. There is absolutely no difference between fundamentalist Christians and holy jihad Muslims. They are the same misguided ilk believing in superstitious nonsense and are quite willing to KILL you for these views.
The incredible damage that Bush has done as he’s listened to orders from God is unbelievably horrific.
McCane is not only a stupid old man, he’s a dangerously stupid old man, and so is Sarah Palin, who has demonstrated a complete lack of intelligence and integrity that bears careful consideration.
If ever there was a reason to rebel and revolt in this country, we have had manifold reasons for years under the George W. Bush junta to do so. And people did NOTHING, but sit silently or with roaring approval as Bush and his Cabinet dismantled the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and torturing and maiming their way through the rest of the world.