Originally Posted by MikeinAR
She and McCain were icy cold to each other on the stage last night. His mistake was picking someone whom he'd only met once. No reason to be really surprised at the lack of chemistry between the two.
Yeah, that was a mistake. But it was a bigger mistake to be so obviously political and pander to the weakening evangelical right wing base. Their power is all but gone. He should have gone more toward the middle and got the college educated whites and swing voters. Palin scared the bejesus out of normal people.
But even if he'd picked a more moderate person I doubt he could have won. It's a moot point I guess. O spanked him by winning the old fashioned retail campaign and by pioneering the new media campaign. He changed politics forever.
The O team was just smarter and better all the way around. McCain was in over his head from the start, even if he was right on some of the issues.