Originally Posted by Sweet Pea
Are you would of your ever-lovin mind???? People wake up - this Prop is spiritual warfare!!!!! If Prop 8 is defeated it will be a definite attack on the church! Failure of this prop will lead to so many different things that you will regret and rue the day you supported any candidate who supported this prop!
Antipas - IF Obama wins (I'm like Pressing On - I'm not conceding!) and two or three years down the road - it will be interesting to read your thoughts regarding him at that time. I don't believe that he is the anti-Christ - but it is surely possible that he is the "John the Baptist" of the anti-Christ.... I know that prophecy has to be fulfilled - but as long as the rapture hasn't taken place and as long as we are still "occupying" until He comes, it is our responsibility to stand for righteousness!
Well said, Sweet Pea.
People think that things like Prop 8 are just 'political' or 'civil' matters. But there is a spiritual dimension to this stuff that every Christian should be aware of if they have their head on straight. Satan may be the prince of the power of the air... but it should be obvious that he also
uses political systems to push his moral filth on a society and to engraft his spiritual wickedness into the laws of a nation. Whenever Christians have a chance to oppose it they should do so.
It shocks me that so many believers dont seem to see this.