Originally Posted by keith4him
Right and wrong, but God endorsed private property, Do not steal.
Here are some YES or NO questions....
Did God mandate land owners to allow the poor and destitute to glean the corners and edges of their fields?
Did God mandate a poor tithe with which the national storehouse system was to be stocked to provide for the poor and the widows?
Did not God rebuke the entire nation of Israel because land owners for depriving widows and the poor of their rights to glean?
Did not God rebuke the entire nation of Israel for neglecting the poor tithe that stocked the storehouse?
God made strong social provisions for the most destitute in the very Government ordained by his Holy Law. In fact the Psalms indicate that the agent of justice for the poor was....the King of Israel. Look it up.
To deprive the poor their right to glean, to with hold from the nation storehouse, to not hear the cry of the widow, was to rob the poor in God's eyes. Whatsoever you have done unto the least of these...you've done unto him. They robbed God by neglecting the storehouse...because through their neglect of social justice they robbed the poor. Thou shalt not steal.
Sadly, most would rather see a widow go hungry because they don't trust God to provide without tax cuts.