at this point? I've heard a few, not many, of the national news people on Fox and CNN talking about undecideds and I find that hard to believe. I mean we've been at this now for 18 months and even the most casual observer has surely seen enough TV and newspaper coverage to sort it out.
As clear as the difference is, and as many ads and coverage as we've all been bombarded with in a modern campaign, I find it very hard to believe that over 1% of the electorate is "undecided" at this point.
My grandmother had a saying when she thought something was decided and over and done with. She'd always say, "That hay is already in the barn." I think the "hay is already in the barn" for this election however it turns out.
Do you believe there are over 1% of true undecided voters at this point?
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine