Originally Posted by 1399
Do you care to expound on the MISINFORMATION that is being circulated Iraq, the economy, Obama, Palin and etc?
Iraq=Bush lied (flawed intel), blood for oil (we have never controlled any of their oil), we are losing the war (we defeated Hussein, we have marginalized Al-Qaeda there, Al-Sadr has been marginalized, combat deaths are way down, "The Surge" has worked and is working, the government is democratically elected).
The Economy=eight years of Bush caused the downturn (in part b/c of uncontrolled spending but the manipulation of Fannie and Freddie by Clinton Admin and Democrat resistance to reform was the biggest culpruit)
Obama=Obama's tax plan (95% tax cut is actually a handout to 40% who don't pay taxes), Bill Ayers just a neighbor (whatever), spread the wealth isn't socialism (uh-huh), Obama never knew the racist and controversial Jeremiah Wright that was displayed on YouTube (it just happens that every time Obama was in attendance JW preached "Love Your Neighbor", "I Love Israel", "Slavery: Let's Forgive and Forget", and "God Bless America")
Palin=Down's Syndrome child belonged to daughter (false), Sarah isn't qualified (plenty of credentials), Palin illegally used authority to have former BIL fired (cleared of wrong doing), Sarah spent 150K on clothes (RNC purchased clothing)