Originally Posted by TRFrance
The black vote goes 90+ percent Democrat anyway. So even if it was Hillary Clinton, there wouldnt be a significant crossover to McCain and the Republicans.
I think even Kerry in 2004 got like 91% of the black vote. So its not just an Obama thing. It's a Democrat/Republican thing.
But, what IF they had chosen Hillary? And why didn't they? She has much more experience. What is this Obama thing about, TRFrance?
This is from a poster on another forum. I asked why the Democrats didn't vote for Hillary being 75% of the posters are Democrat. Here is the reply:
We didn't like the way she ran her campaign. Atleast I didn't. My wife voted for her I voted Obama. I really, really hated how she treated her party member. She should have saved those tactic for the Republicans. She would have won if she kept it clean. When all of this is over you'll find that the tactic that worked the least was the negative attacks.