Stew, I saw several Rove interviews where he made those comments about Kane. in all instances the fact that Obama has very little experience was part of the reason why Kane would be such a political pick.
McCain doesnt have that problem. Was Palin a political pick? sure. but McCain having vastly more experience can do that without it jepordizing the nation. Obama did not have that wiggle room.
and NO that isnt spin. that is fact.
Ferd, did you watch the video I posted? Did you here his statement at the end?. The whole crux of his argument was that the selection of Kaine would have been a political selection that would reflect that Obama was not asking "is this person capable of being the President of the United States"...those were his exact words. His reasoning for saying that this was not true of Kaine was very clear. And in those exact same areas, Palin is less qualified according to his reasoning.
I am not attempting to add anymore to what he said. His assessment of the pick was very clear. You can find the rest of the interview on youtube.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois