As noble as it sounds, negative ads work, otherwise campaigns wouldn't use them. The timing is everything. They keep beating this drum week after week, in the end, people will have doubts about Obama and either not vote or vote for Mac.
Timing is everything. If the Jeremiah Wright stuff would've made national attention in January versus March, Hillary would be the nominee and she would be ahead by 20-25 points. Instead Obama had won enough primaries/caucases early on that losing 3/4 of the primaries/caucases at the end allowed him to narrowly win the nomination. The Wright controversy definitely hurt him down the stretch.
Get ready to see a string of more footage about Wright, Ayers, quotes from Farrakhan, Michelle's gaffes about America and any and other footage that points to the real Obama versus the public persona he has crafted for himself over the past 12 months.
American voters have short memories. Sometimes they need reminders.
I'm absolutely certain if they do what you're proposing, he'll lose by double digits. Talking about all of that old junk while the economy goes in the tank and we have the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression will get McCain trounced.
He'd better steer his runaway train back to the issues Amercians care about right now and that doesnt' include Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright or Michelle Obama.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine