Polk County TN News
I can’t wait to get to the little town of Benton, Tennessee. At 1:30 sharp on Thursday, October 2, 2008, the trumpet will sound at
Mercy Tabernacle signaling the beginning of the Feast of Pentecost, the most wonderful time you’ll ever have in the Lord this side of Heaven. It will continue through the weekend with both morning and evening services Friday and Saturday, and the final service(when I’ll be crying like a baby telling everyone goodbye) on Sunday. This wonderful time of dynamic preaching and anointed singing with Ministers and musicians from across the country, along with the beautiful fellowship of the Body around the most delicious Southern home cooking is an experience you will not forget. We usually keep shouting well past 2:00 AM! Come and worship with us and be a part of the Feast of Pentecost 2008!
Looking forward to seeing you there![/